Slept well. Had some wicked dreams, too bad I can’t remember much about them. One passage involved an ex-girlfriend berating me for wearing a hat that she felt did not communicate proper sartorial etiquette. It wasn’t that I wore a hat indoors, which I guess is still a no-no, at least in some parts of these United States of America. She just thought this particular hat made my head look like a penis.

Feeling good I took a short shower, made some coffee, booted up the PC, and even posted something to Facebook, something I usually regret. I don’t regret for posting anything stupid, however often I do exactly that. It’s just a waste of time. But as I long ago learned about myself, I know how to waste time, how to waste this life.

Troubles began after starting the PC. Since last week I can no longer hit the Windows key and search this computer. I’ve wasted enough time trying every solution out there to conclude that nothing can be done about this, adding significantly to the physical movements I need to make to accomplish mundane computer tasks.

Windows has also decided to randomly move focus from one piece of software to another. I was just typing that last sentence into this WordPress screen when, for no reason, focus switched over to Notepad++, where the words I typed overwrote a block of text that had been selected earlier, when I was actually intending to use that piece of software.

Control-Z restored the block of text but not my serenity. One thing after another, one irritant and non-functioning piece of software followed by Windows Explorer getting twitchy. A simple freeware program I use to edit metadata for mp3 and flac files froze.

I thought it might be smart to restart Windows Explorer before it commit suicide. This resulted in Windows throwing an error message I’ve never seen, making it sound like all are doomed and the cataclysm will commence if I follow through with restarting Explorer.

I felt forced by this error message to shut down and reboot, all the while begging this fucking machine to please explain why I had to do this. I had just turned the PC on, it’s not like it had been up and running for days or weeks, nor had I done anything unusual to put any excessive demands on what is, for the most part, a pretty stable PC.

Down the drain went the work I’d put into seemingly mundane tasks I had at hand: Sending an e-mail, editing some metadata for piano music on my new Classical Piano Radio, and verifying a new payphone location.

After two hours I finally was allowed to complete these tasks, my brain nearly on fire from anger and frustration.

I think the new Classical Piano Radio will be successful if I can just keep this computer from fucking me over and fucking me over and fucking me over. If I can stop wasting even more time typing up these dyspeptic rants maybe that would also be in my favor.