Yesterday was not intended to be one for an epic 10+ mile long walk, but that is what it turned out to be. I had planned to make a quick there-and-back to Forest Hills to hear the carillon at the Queen of Martyrs church on Queens Boulevard. The performance was brief. I expected, for whatever reason, that it would be 15 minutes in duration. I might have read that somewhere or might have just made it up and chose to believe. I don’t think it lasted even 3 minutes.

10+ miles is not really epic, not by my estimate at least. But the bag was heavy and, toward the end, as happy as I was to find 4 volumes of show tune sheet music books at one of those community library kiosks, they added yet more weight to my journey.

I attended the first 20 minutes of the 12:05 mass at the Martyrs church. That had not been my plan but it made sense in the moment. I appreciate a good sermon, and if it is rude or inappropriate I apologize but I rarely stay past that portion of the service.

Yesterday’s homily was about objects that keep you from finding joy in life, objects and physical situations that become albatrosses. The priest kept saying that these objects keep you from following Jesus but I tend to substitute Jesus for serenity, or perhaps the full experience of life. Being a follower has never suited me, even metaphorically.

The church itself was larger than I anticipated, not that I had clear expectations.

Across the street is the restaurant where I had two memorable dinners. One was after the funeral of a friend, the other was for the only meeting I ever attended of the Independent Payphone Association of New York. That was a strange night.

Today there is no hot water in the building, at least for the morning. I feel unwashed, unkempt, and unworthy. These feelings are not all related to the absence of hot water.

Time to start another wasted day.