“sore where you want to be sore” is a running gag between my girlfriend and me. Does it need an explanation? When she reported having trouble walking she further added that she was not complaining. Just reporting. I joked that there had to be a thrash metal or some metal genre of song in the spirit of being fucked so hard you are sore where you want to be sore. I looked it up, found no song title or anything else with that turn of phrase. With zero search results from Bing Microsoft Copilot offered this chirpy sidebar (where do you want to be sore? What’s your favorite kind of soreness?). AI can be so embarrassing to the humans that created it:

Ah, the delightful paradox of soreness! 🏋️‍♂️ It’s like our muscles are whispering, “Hey, remember that workout? Yeah, we’re not letting you forget it!” Whether it’s from an intense gym session, a long hike, or just an enthusiastic dance-off in the living room, soreness has a way of making its presence known.

So, where do you want to be sore? Is it the satisfying ache of a well-worked core? Or perhaps the twinge in your legs after conquering a steep trail? Maybe even the shoulder burn from carrying all those groceries in one trip (because who needs two trips, right? 💪).

Remember, soreness is like a high-five from your body—it’s saying, “Hey, you pushed yourself, and I noticed!” So go ahead, embrace it. Ice packs, gentle stretches, and maybe a cozy blanket—because soreness deserves a little TLC too!

By the way, have you ever tried foam rolling? It’s like giving your muscles a mini massage. Just be prepared for a love-hate relationship with that foam roller. 😄

Now, tell me: What’s your favorite kind of soreness? And if you need any tips on recovery, I’m here for it! 🌟