Sightings of Telephone Exchange Names in movies and television. Not much to see now, but I'll add to this as sightings occur.

- KH-1-7400/7490. UTOG (United Taxi Owners Guild). Phone Number seen in "Taxi Driver".
- BUtterfield-8-0789. The Bitch (1979)
- BUtterfield-8-0789. From the Joan Collins movie "The Bitch"
- OLympic Phone Exchange. "Breakfast At Tiffany's", about 1:37, when Paul Varjak calls O.J. Berman.
- TRafalgar and LExington Exchanges, from "Serpico" (1973)
- MUrray Hill 5-7098. Taxi Driver.
- KH1-7400. Taxi Driver.
- BEekman 3-5085. "Man On Wire"
- STillwell 3-2868. "The Landlord" (1970)