This section mostly contains images of New York City matchbook covers which bore the old style telephone exchange name phone numbers. Also included are post cards, menus, and other types of paper ephemera which bore the old phone numbers.

- MUrray Hill 4-8920. Old Oxford Bar & Restaurant, 8 East 41st Street, NYC
- VOlunteer 5-2500, Hotel Delmonico
- LExington 2-0342, Champs Elysées Restaurant, 25 East 40th St., NYC
- WIckersham 2-1255, Weylin Pharmacy, 501 Madison Avenue, NYC
- WOrth 2-7990, Willy's Restaurant & Grill, 166 William St., NYC
- WOrth 2-7990 & WOrth-2-7838, Willy's Restaurant & Grill, 166 William St., NYC
- CHickering 4-8577, China Palace, Broadway & 49th Street, NYC
- matchbook 013
- PLaza 8-1060, Copacabana Lounge, 10 East 60th Street, NYC
- matchbook 019
- JUdson 2-0400, The Lobster Restaurant, 145 West 45th St., NYC
- JUdson 2-0400, The Lobster Restaurant, 145 West 45th St., NYC
- CIrcle 7-9540, Le Berry French Restaurant, 321 West 51st St., NYC
- RIverside 9-4120, Music Bar, 2512 Broadway at 94th St., NYC
- RIverside 9-4120, Music Bar, 2512 Broadway at 94th St., NYC
- CIrcle 6-1400, The Rainbow Room, Rockefeller Center Roofs, NYC
- CIrcle 6-1400, The Rainbow Room, Rockefeller Center Roofs, NYC
- matchbook 028
- MUrray Hill 6-6000, Hotel Commodore, 42nd Street at Lexington Ave., NYC
- matchbook 031
- PLaza 9-4340, East of Suez International Restaurant, 308 East 58th St., NYC
- PLaza 9-4340 & ELdorado 5-9382, East of Suez International Restaurant, 308 East 58th St., NYC
- CHickering 4-8576, Rollo Restaurant, 114 West 45th St., NYC
- CHickering 4-8576, Rollo Cafe, 114 West 45th St., NYC
- RHinelander 4-3820, Jager House, Lexington Ave & 85th St., NYC
- RHinelander 4-3820, Jager House, Lexington Ave & 85th St., NYC
- COlumbus 5-9500, The Netherland Club of New York, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC
- ELdorado 5-8165, Ruby Foo, 161 East 54th St., NYC
- ELdorado 5-8165, Ruby Foo, 161 East 54th St., NYC
- MUrray Hill 8-3234, Patio, 111 East 57th St. at Park Avenue, NYC
- MUrray Hill 8-3234, Patio, 111 East 57th St. at Park Avenue, NYC
- JUdson 2-1000, Federation Bank and Trust Company, 10 Columbus Circle, New York 19, NY
- JUdson 2-1000, Federation Bank and Trust Company, 10 Columbus Circle, New York 19, NY
- COlumbus 5-9166, Rose Restaurant, 41 West 52nd St., NYC
- matchbook 047
- CIrcle 7-8000, Hotel Park Central New York, 7th Ave. and 56th St., NYC
- CIrcle 7-8000, Hotel Park Central New York, 7th Ave. and 56th St., NYC
- MUrray Hill 2-3920, Churchills Air Lines Terminal, 42nd St. at Park Avenue, NYC
- MUrray Hill 2-3920, Churchills Air Lines Terminal, 42nd St. at Park Avenue, NYC
- ORegon 9-4283, Old Seidelburg, 626 Third Ave., NYC
- matchbook 053
- COrtlandt 7-6346, Best Hats, 139 Nassau St., NYC
- matchbook 055
- WOrth 2-3842/0075, Carlmor Cafeteria/Bar/Luncheonette, 121 Fulton St., 48 Ann St., NYC
- matchbook 057
- CIrcle 5-5868, Hick Restaurant, 30 West 57th St., 128 West 58th St., NYC
- matchbook 059
- CIrcle 7-8719, Kelly's Stable, 137 West 52nd St., NYC
- CIrcle 7-9738, Kelly's Stable Can't Be Matched, 137 West 52nd St., NYC
- MUrray Hill 4-9211-5, Old Timers Bar & Grill, 7 East 40th St., NYC
- matchbook 063
- STuyvesant 9-9490, Anne M. Miller Restaurant, 46 West 8th St., NYC
- CIrcle 7-7222, Place Elegante, 33 West 56th St., NYC
- matchbook 067
- GRamercy 3-2830, Delrose Jewelers, 765 Broadway, New York #, NY
- matchbook 070
- matchbook 071
- ORegon 5-4297/9831, Flatiron Cafeteria, 166 Fifth Ave., NYC
- matchbook 073
- PLaza 5-0600, The Drake Hotel, Park Avenue at 56th Street, NYC
- EDgecombe 4-5700, McCabe Bros., Wine & Liquor Store, 3490 Broadway, NYC
- matchbook 077
- WOrth 2-8149, Tingyatsak Chinese Restaurant, 21 Mott Street, NYC
- ALlegheny 5-9796, Bravissimo
- ALgonquin 5-9769. Bravissimo
- matchbook 081
- VOlunteer 5-6374-5, Larue Restaurant, 480 Park Avenue, NYC
- matchbook 083
- TRafalgar 7-3670, Mary Kirby's Southern Cuisine, 116 West 72nd St., NYC
- COlumbus 5-8927, Cafe de France, 313 West 46th Street, NYC
- CHelsea 3-4455, Planet
- matchbook 100
- EXeter 2-6300, Maytag Atlantic Co., Inc., 34-18 Northern Boulevard, Long Island City 1, NY
- SHeepshead 3-3000, Manhattan Beach Hotel, Brooklyn, NY
- MAin 5-9326, HYY, 169 Sands St., Brooklyn, NY
- BUckminster 4-8729, Blue Mirror Cocktail Mirror, 1251 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- PResident 3-9401, Prospect Bar & Grill, 154 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- WOodbine 9899, Cesarone's Steak House, 7327 Clinton Road, Brooklyn, Ohio
- OXford 7-2070, The Brass Rail Restaurant
- matchbook 108
- TYrone 2-9892, Blue Bird Lounge, 2890 Burhe Avenue, Bronx, NY
- TAlmage 2-8757, New Century Bar & Grill, 3267 Westchester Ave., Bronx, NY
- CYpress 5-2333, Lido-Riviera, 313 E. Kingsbridge Rd., Bronx, NYC
- CYpress 5-2333, FOrdham 4-8375, Lido-Riviera, 313 E. Kingsbridge Rd., Bronx, NYC
- MOtthaven 9-8446, American Cafe, 446 East 149th St., Bronx, NYC
- CO. 7-5800, Digby's Department Store, 35 Cortlandt St., NYC
- matchbook 115
- TErrace 6-5000, Arthur Rosenberg Insurance, 7309 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- TErrace 6-5000, Arthur Rosenberg Insurance, 7309 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- HAvemeyer 9-8008, Il Nostro Restaurant & Bar, 75-10 Broadway, Jackson Heights, NY
- NEwtown 9-3010, Battipaglia Wines, 81-17 37th Ave (Polk Ave.) Jackson Heights, LI
- NEwtown 9-3010, Battipaglia Wines, 81-17 37th Ave (Polk Ave.) Jackson Heights, LI
- DEfender 3-9606, CUmberland 6-8390. Michael's Cafe, 99 Bridge Street, Brooklyn, NY
- ELgin 1-0909/9850/9895. Tavern on the Green, Dominic Coppotelli, Mgr. 2566 Hylan Blvd., Staten Island, NY
- ELgin 1-0909/9850/9895. Tavern on the Green, Dominic Coppotelli, Mgr. 2566 Hylan Blvd., Staten Island, NY
- WOrth 6-0600. Atlas Screw & Specialty. 450 Broome Street, New York 13
- MUrray Hill 2-8660/9825. Bruno's Pen & Pencil. 205 East 45th St., New York 17, NY
- matchbook_126.jpg
- COlumbus 5-4330. Neptune's Corner (Home of the Dolphin Cocktail Lounge). 48th St. & Ave. of the Americas, Radio City, NY
- JUdson 6-7900. Uptown Whyte's. 344 West 57th Street, New York 19, NY
- GRamercy 7-5400. NULOY, New York Brass & Copper Co. Inc.
- MUrray Hill 8-0018. Finland House. 39 East 50th Street, NYC
- MUrray Hill 8-0018. Finland House. 39 East 50th Street, NYC
- PLaza VII-III-IV-V-0. The Forum of the Twelve Caesars. 57 West 48th Street, Rockefeller Center
- PLaza VII-III-IV-V-0. The Forum of the Twelve Caesars. 57 West 48th Street, Rockefeller Center
- PLaza 5-8140-1-2. Spa Linds. 32 East 53rd St., New York City
- MUrray Hill 2-2660/9624. Verdan Bar & Grill. Vanderbilt Ave.
- CIrcle 7-9141. Al. Muller AM Bar & Grill. 313 West 50th St.
- CIrcle 7-3191. United Security Associated Warehouses Inc. 243 W. 60th St., New York NY
- CIrcle 7-1900. Hotel Great Northern. 118 West 57th St., New York City
- LAckawanna 4-1496. Thirty-First Street Trading (Bomb-A-Dear). 2 West 31st St., New York City
- COlumbus 5-9395. Du Midi French Restaurant Cocktail Lounge. 311 West 48th St., New York City
- MUrray Hill 6-4200. Cushman & Wakefield Inc., Real Estate. 281 Madison Ave., New York 17, NY
- WIckersham 7-7763. New Marlboro Cafeteria. 1359 Broadway at 36th St., NYC
- WIckersham 7-7763. New Marlboro Cafeteria. 1359 Broadway at 36th St., NYC
- BRyant 9-7987. Morgen's Restaurant. 141 West 38th Street
- MUrray Hill 4-0180-1-2. The Crosby. 274-6 Madison Ave., New York.
- GIbralter 7-5567. The Normandy Restaurant & Bar. St. George Terminal. Staten Island, NY
- ALgonquin 4-4658. Enrico & Paglieri Italian Restaurant. 64 West 11th St.
- JUdson 6-3000. Hotel Astor, Times Square. A Zeckendorf Hotel.
- CIrcle 6-5800. Mayan Restaurant. 16 West 51st Street.
- CHickering 4-9725. The Meat Ball. 257 West 34th St., New York
- OXford 5-4972/4994. New Hankow Restaurant Cocktail Lounge. 130-132 West 34th Street, NYC
- PLaza 5-3900. Shun Lee Dynasty. 900 Second Avenue
- Circle 6-0044. Les Pyrenees, 251 West 51st St., New York City
- ALgonquin 4-6828. Roll-In Clothes. 80 Fifth Avenue, NYC
- JUdson 2-7200. Jack & Charlie's "21"
- CIrcle 7-0764. Columbus Circle Liquor Shop
- STillwell 4-9558-9562, Stanley Drug Co., 44-02 43rd Ave., Long Island City, NY
- NEvins 8-8495, Cumberland Liquor Store, 327 Cumberland St., Brooklyn 38, NY
- STerling 3-9756, Carol's Bar & Grill, 50 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- STerling 3-9348, Marta Italian Restaurant, 1069 Bergen St., Brooklyn, NY
- VAnderbilt 3-6763, Toothkwills
- matchbook 97
- WAlker 5-4754, Brooks Luncheonette, 127 Grand Street, NYC
- GRamercy 3-4476, Peter's Backyard Restaurant, 64 West 10th St., NYC
- RAvenswood 6-9783, AStoria 4-9721. Oyster Bay Restaurant, Astoria