this new keyboard works as it pleases. here at home i turn it on, test it, and let it rip. quarter of a mile away i tried the same thing and nothing happened. atmospherics? or a bluetooth tease? whatever the cause it really enervates me when the desire to string a few sentences together stumbles at the mercy of a piece of hardware and/or software.
i wanted to talk about my odd ramble down Queens but i already exhausted large caverns of my energies asking this keyboard why it was not working like it did last night.
i wandered down to Queensboro Plaza and resolved to take whatever bus came next, regardless of where it was going. this landed me on the q39 to Ridgewood, a bus which happens to travel almost entirely along roads i already know. so, not much adventure except for the overheard conversations and mutating eye contact with strangers.
long story short (energies exhausted pleading with this keyboard to work, just to fucking work like you did last night) i ended up at the linden hill jewish cemetery, where i randomly found the mausoleum of joseph b. bloomingdale, he who founded and whose name graces the bloomingdale‘s department store in manhattan. that was unexpected, but there it was, there it was.
i missed an awesome shot of a hot babe standing in the doorway of a junk shop. missed it, missed it, but so close. i felt like a photographer today. this is what photographers do, right? go places and take pictures? that‘s pretty simple.