Sitting at a Starbucks, using a Galaxy Note 10.1 with a Bluetooth keyboard to ruminate on my profound and important observations about humanity, God, existential ennui, and squealing dogs.

I haven’t posted text matter to Sorabji.MOBI in a while. I have not been especially .MOBI myself. The .MOBI top level domain was intended to be a platform for mobile-friendly content. .MOBI is rarely used in that spirit today.

The “.COM” button on the iPhone essentially killed .MOBI.

I kept Sorabji.MOBI and use it in the opposite spirit of the TLD’s charter.

Instead of hosting mobile-ready content I use Sorabji.MOBI as a receptacle for content that originates from mobile devices.

This mobile set up seems precarious but it can be made to work whence phony senses of rootlessness appeal to you as to me.

I still refuse to use spellcheck on the .MOBI.

For a few moments here I felt I was in a foreign land. People next to me spoke English but they sounded like they screamed gobbledygook.

Have you had these moments?

I reminds me of something my father said about Hollywood movies: They never made any sense to him. “Titanic” was the one exception among contemporary films, but he was otherwise resolute in his feeling that movies of his day made no sense. He watched a lot of Hollywood films. He could never figure out what was going on.

My dad was no man of letters but he was not intellectually slow or unintelligent (fuck you for preëmptively dismissing him as such you youthfully swift-at-the-keys and intellectually adroit Slashbutt Internaut).

I thought his was a strange comment.

I don’t think he would have figured out the Internet, either. A lot of media and entertainment products simply elude large portions of the population.

It must suck to grow old on the Internet.

For a few moments today I felt like everyday overheard conversation was a bafflement, like my dad at the movies.