Once in a while…

I have to ask myself: Where am I? What am I doing? How did I get here? Will this be the last breath, or the first? What do the unpredictable pains in my innards tell me? I am happy to be here, on this spot, on this chair in this...

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I interviewed for a promising sounding job last week, but on reflection I don’t think I can remain in consideration. The hours are from 10pm-6am, and I did some reading on how working that shift can create health risks. I...

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The global outage affecting millions had limited effect on my little kingdom. The lettered MTA...

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New Pants, New Shirt

After literally tearing apart Saturday’s pants I decided to go sartorial and replace those hated, filthy, nearly-transparent pants with credible, opaque leg and crotch and butt coverings that would not expose my sometimes...

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My usual morning routine involves feeding my head with garbage news of the day, articles I typically only read half way, if that much, retaining little more than the headline. I’ve learned to avoid following headlines that...

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Just how random

I don’t think I will ever be able to impress upon her just how random it was when we reconnected and she dialed in to my Payphone Radio. With over 60 hours (I think) of audio she tuned in just for a couple of minutes,...

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Funny phone number

I got a laugh out of this. I’m at the office when I looked at my phone and saw a text message from an unknown number. It said “How is your life in New York?” I did not recognize the number but the message...

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Blankety Blank

I gave Blank Street Coffee a try. I won’t return. The place lived up to its name in many ways. Most irritatingly to me was the store’s refusal to issue a paper receipt. That is actually legal for purchases under $5...

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Nothing to worry about

Moving domains from overpriced godaddy to namecheap has taken months, and remains in progress. I have too many domain names. For some reason I’ve lately fielded inquiries about sorabji.com being for sale. It is not for...

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Speaking of Satanic toilets

I momentarily thought I might be incontinent. I had relieved myself and, per human nature, I briefly basked in the afterglow of having taken a reasonably credible dump. While remaining seated I heard trickling of liquid. I...

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Nothing to remember, so far, from this day. I am alone at the job today. Staffing at this gig is unpredictable. Feels like I barely slept. Too much vodak, I fear. Hot amd miserable outdoors. I’m at a desk, sweatless. My...

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Flags are gone

But the crowds remain. Heat got at me on Albany and Greenwich. Felt I might tip over. Took some shaded shelter on Thames Street, where I solemnly watched an elderly couple enter the Cloud One Hotel,  but don’t remember...

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Twice a year

Yesterday I learned that twice a year, on July 4th and again on September 11, an American flag is...

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Sleepy Kangaroo

Animal has a stronger punch than fluky expectationalists expected. I knew of this since childhood, after years of training to be a kangaroo boxer in the underground runaround. I was good but the ‘roos triumphed night after...

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I turned around to see if someone had entered the elevator after me. There was a sound, likely caused by the door closing, that made me think I was not in the elevator alone. No one else was present. The car smelled of piss. I...

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Archives: 2004 – Present