That is what I feel like today. I am something smarmy. Took an extra half mg of the panic pill but something feels like it will wax and weave my brain matter today. I don’t know why. Slept well, almost too well, until 5:40am. 5:30am is the goal but earlier is acceptable most days. I was happy with the latest Con Edison bill. I’ve been running the bedroom air conditioner every night, even when it’s 50-something degrees out, and I like it a lot. I could resent the purchase of the a/c, which came from money I do not have and had to finance. I coudl resent it because I was urged into the purchasse by the now-ex girlfriend who complained that sex in my bedroom was too hot. She was not wrong about that. Had she not entered my life, however, I would never have purchased this expensive air conditioner at this time. I’ve slept through many consecutive hot summers with no a/c and I have no problem with sleep sweating. I mean, I’d prefer not to sweat through the night but on balance it felt cleansing. I run the a/c on ECO mode. I don’t know if that explains away anything but the Con Edision bill was only twenty ot thirty bucks more than it would have been without the a/c on every night.

I am typing at my desk. Normally this is not easy for me. I can’t be in multiple mental spaces at the same time. But work feels slow today, after just 15 minutes, I can tell it will be quiet today.

I just dropped a healthy vegetable onto the unhealthy floor beneath me. I promptly disposed of the vegetable, absent a quick and efficient way to rinse it of the filth that would have instantly affixed itself to the foodstuff. The floor here really does look filthy, and it’s not on my account, at least I don’t believe it to be. I do not spew or involuntarily generate filth, so these stains on the rug below have ti have preceded me.

I am planning another trip to Parkchester tomorrow. The last one was a fail but this time should be more satisfying. Beautiful weather expected and I should get an earlier start than last time. The goal, of course, is to check out a new-to-me payphone, then familiarize myself with the rest of Parkchester and Castle Hill. I’m curious about the Ovals. I don’t know why but the Bronx’s ovals look interesting to me. They are like something out of Gatsby.