Interesting article about Sexsomnia, a word I’ve never heard but the conditions assigned to its meaning are known to me. I knew a woman who talked often about a man she was with who fucked her while she was sleeping, and while he himself was sleeping. She would wake up to this, to a man with his eyes shut and slightly snoring, fucking her hard, always unconscious. In some quarters this might be called rape, but she talked of it like she was boasting of her good luck. Hey, what girl wouldn’t want a no-frills, drama free sex machine, right? She actually spoke of him with a kind of tenderness, as if his actions were guileless and innocent. She also said that in this state his cock could not have been harder, and harder than he got during any sex they had while he was awake.

The most activitiy of this sort in which I engage, as far as I know, is that I sometimes hump a woman’s leg while I’m fast asleep. It’s like what a dog would do. I’m also told I’ve been sucked and findled in my sleep. I guess I believe these claims. Why wouldn’t I? But unlike the guy described earlier I am not aware of any full-bore sleepfucking, although I am known to black out sexual encounters. I think it’s an anxiety/excitement thing. Like I read about people who go to big rock concerts and come home with the only memories intact coming from the videos and pictures they took. Without those images they concertgoers claimed they had very limited memory of being at the event. That’s what a lot of sex is like for me. As long as she wakes up happy I’m happy, even if the energy and passions of the moment cause me to forget the details.

Speaking of which I’m going to be in Ridgewood/Bushwick again tomorrow, but not to revisit the now-ex who ordered me out of her life then came back the next day saying she missed me desperately. No, I’m going to Bushwick for a slice of pizza and a payphone, having once again utilized my unique forensic research skills to uncover yet another abandoned payphone location. There is, in fact, another woman in Ridgewood/Bushwick I was way interested in but I changed my mind. My only interests in that area now are pizza and a payphone. I reached out to another woman last night via one of her social media accounts but I don’t get the feeling she is online much, and some of these social media setups make contacting someone with whom you are not connected almost impossible. That’s what social media is about. Keeping people away.