Once again, a post title that I don’t know why. I have nothing to say about changeling, which I initially spelt without the necessary “e”. I’d like to change myself. Swap myself into someone else’s life. Imposterize convincingly and unequivocably,

Fatherless and unfatherly, I sometimes sail over the existential quagmire of my mere existence. Mother considered aborting me, my father was gay, and I don’t suspect I was entirely expected. One could write it off as a flashpoint. A forgettable bit of trivia.

But did anyone ask me if I wanted to be born?

I am hearing a lot more coughing than usual at the workplace. I self-tested negative for Covid last week but I don’t know if those self-test kits have kept up with the latest strains and tribulations.

I was recalling how much fun playing card spoonerisms are. Four of Hearts = Whore of Farts. Four of Clubs = Core of Flubs. Jack of Spades = Spack of Jades. Hell, I have time today, let’s go in order.

Ace of Spades – Space od Aids

Two of Spades = Spoo of Tades

Three of Spades – Spree of Thades

Four of Spades – Spore of Fades

Five of Spades – Spive of Fades

Six of Spades – Spix of Aids

Seven of Spades = Speven of Sades

Eight of Spades = Spate of Aids

Nine of Spades – Spine of Nades

Ten of Spades = Spend ot Tades

Jack of Spades = Spack of Jades

Queen of Spades = Speen of Quades

King of Spades = Sping of Kades

Ace of Hearts – Hace of Arts

Two of Hearts – Hoo of Tarts

Three of Hearts – Hee of Thrarts

Four of Hearts – Whore of Farts

Five of Hearts – Hive of Farts

Six of Hearts – Hicks of Sartre’s

Seven of Hearts – Heaven of Sartre’s

Eight of Hearts – Hate of Arts

Nine of Hearts – Hine of Narts

Ten of Hearts – Hen of Tarts

Jack of Hearts – Hack of Jarts

Queen of Hearts – Heen of Quarts

King of Hearts – Hing of Karts

Ace of Clubs – Case of Lubs

Two of Clubs – Clue of Tubs

Three of Clubs – Clee of Thrubs

Four of Clubs – Core of Flubs

Five of Clubs – Clive of Fubs

Six of Clubs – Clix of Subs

Seven of Clubs – Cleven of Subs

Eight of Clubs – Clate of Ubs

Nine of Clubs – Cline of Nubs

Ten of Clubs – Clen of Tubs

Jack of Clubs – Clack of Jubs

Queens of Clubs – Clean of Qubs

King of Clubs – Cling of Cubs

Not going to bother with Diamonds, it just doesn’t have the same ludicrosity.

There is a heat warning today but when I was outside for about 45 minutes I did not even crack a sweat or feel oppressed by the temperature. Is it really 93 degrees today?