One of my Liszt bags vanished. Its disappearance is incomprehensible to me. How could it have happened? Where did it go? I’m talking about a bag purchased online, a reusable shopping/tote bag graced with an image of Franz Liszt, an image not so widely circulated compared to others of the pianist. I suspect even true Lisztians might not immediately recognize this as Liszt. I had used the bag earlier in the day. I may have thrown it out. I thought I might have put it in the laundry but that seems not to be the case. Also missing are 3 boxes of Triscuits. That mystery potentially aligns with the last time the now-ex gf was at my place, but the idea of her stealing my Triscuits is too absurd for sustained consideration. I don’t know where things are going but it’s been enough to make me double check that keys to the apartment are all accounted for and I reactivated the security/surveillance camera so that it records and does not just monitor.