I stepped into a bar last night. It feels like years since I’ve done that. I’ve checked in at my so-called regular for daytime brunch a few times lately but going to a place like that with the intent of spending money on beer felt like something I’d never done, until it felt familiar again. There was no music, which I was in a mood for. The sound of baseball announcers filled the air, as the ALDS is under way. No one seemed to be watching the game but it took priority anyway. Being in a bar felt old. Like something I don’t do any more. The space itself felt sodden, and heavy with the memory of forgetting. The longer I looked around the less I wanted to be there. It was not crowded but something was wrong with the beer taps. A bartender was pouring a beer but it was coming out mostly as foam. For as long as it looked like I might have to wait I just said fuckit, and left. Who needs to spend bar prices on beer when they are drinking alone, anyway? I’m happier at home… my new regular.

At Panera now, for free sammich, but going right back home.

Wrote a nice little dissonant piano piece yesterday, marking my first concerted effort to use Finale software for notation. I got the hang of it pretty quickly but holy shit it could be aggravating. I’m going to attempt using it at the piano on the giant tablet. That should spike the old blood pressure, which was certifiably normal this morning, so yay. I think it was 132 over 84, down from the stratospheric levels which landed me in the fucking emergency room. That incident gets scarier any time I think about it too much.

A baby is screaming, screaming slow and long. It sounds like s/he is being encouraged in their screamage. That’s a cue to leave.