For weeks and months during the summer of 2012 I walked into midtown walls and blacked out on Queens sidewalks while cold sober.

For reasons nothing to do with that I saw fit to buy a field recorder. I used that recorder to successfully record nature and ambient recordings. I also used it to record notes-to-self such as this one, which I documented after coming home from my first (but not last) brain MRI.

After this brain MRI I wrote to friends across the globe saying “I hope to your God that you never have to go through something like this.”

In retrospect I realize I was talking as if one of my legs had been amputated without anæshtesia. I was not warning anyone to stay away from MRIs. I was extending my misery onto others.

MRIs are no fun but they are a blip on the eyelid compared to months or years of not knowing what is or is not wrong with you.

I managed to get a laugh out of the 20-something radiologist who had screamed at me “DON’T MOVE OR WE HAVE TO START ALL OVER!!!” I said I could write an opera around the noise of the MRI chamber. She belly-laughed. I shoulda got her number.

Click here for pictures of my brain slices, including a cameo appearance by Andy Kaufmann! Click on the play button below to hear my breathless notes-to-self about baby’s first brain MRI.