That 3-4 hours of my life might have just been wasted. My Galaxy Note 5’s battery was taking forever to charge — like 24 hours — and the fast charger feature just didn’t work any more. There was also a stray warning message about some unspecified error with the battery. And I was also not able to connect the phone to the computer. So now that I lay it all out maybe this was not a complete waste of time but I went and got a warranty replacement today. Aftr 3+ hours of transferring everything from the old phone to the new, waiting for apps to install, etc., I plugged in the charger and found that yay, it still charges painfully slowly. This is a new phone, though. So I realize that through all of this — including an hour+ long phone call with T-Mobile — nobody, myself included, thought to ask if the USB cable was faulty. That was the problem. I got the USB cable from the old Galaxy Note 2 and bam, everything works fine. I have not tried connecting the phone to the PC yet but I assume that will work again, with the working cable and all. The only possible reason this might not have been a waste of time is that nebulous error message about an unspecified error in the battery. but that error never returned. On balance, I think this was all stupid. But it gave me reason to explore the murky world of 36th Avenue in the bright sunlight. I just walked around outside while the new phone in the store gathered everything from the old one. It felt liberating to be without a phone, though I am known to go outside without the device on occasion. It’s crazy, I know.

I just took a benzo for the first time in a while. I want to cut back even further on the drinking. The problem with this is that I still like drinking, and I do not feel especially better about my life or my physical self when I abstain. In some ways I feel worse, as the depression is just laid out to dry. But spending half a day groggy as hell, as happened the last few days, is not a good way to be. And this sleeping until noon crap has also got to stop. I was up way earlier today.

I am at a coffee shop on Broadway. Feeling a curious mix of restless and lazy. Had a fun night at home with friend Dave. Good conversation, as always. It’s nice having someone to talk to.

Well, I thought I had epic ramblings in store but I think I’m going home to wrestle with WordPress again. Looking forward to those Seltzer’s with lime…