I sent a voluminous correspondence to an old friend, who in a turn unrelated to the spirited nature of the conversation offered me his apartment should he actually move out this summer. I actually might consider it once I get some details. A change would be ace for me, and even the possibility of such a thing perks me up. I remember feeling that way when Chad said he was moving here. The subject line of the e-mail was “Moving to New York,” at which I chuckled. I figured he had to be kidding. Nope. He moved here. But alas, since moving to Brooklyn I think I’ve seen him less then when he was in Berkley. The uplifted thoughts I had when he said he was moving were that I might have an entreé into a new circle of friends in New York. So I went over there a few times after they arrived, and nothing like that occurred. At the time he worked 15 hour days and his wife went to nursing school almost as long. So the last thing they had time for was making friends. But more recently, maybe a year ago, I went over there, and it was different. He had friends all right. But they were all preening corporate sycophants, lavishing praise upon him for no reason other than him being CEO of an Internet company. I don’t blame him for it but I didn’t like being around it. Making friends with those type of folks would be impossible for an Internet low-life like me. I am so not a CEO, and I’m happy for that, though I have tried to imagine what might have come of me had an early boss at Avon actually sent me to an accelerated MBA executive training school, as she once suggested.

Anyway, moving to Chicago with a stable apartment lined up has its possibilities. I’d want to keep my precious king sized mattress and a few other things but, depending on the size of the place, I think I’d have an easier time of parting with my stuff than I imagine.

Chad, when he moved from Berkley, was forced to part with hundreds, even 1000+ books, among other items and collections too big to fit in the Brooklyn apartment which was way smaller than the 3-story house they left behind. I remember him saying “It felt like I was losing a piece of me, a piece of my heart.” But then he added “Then I got a Kindle and I was like, who needs books?” And he is, or at least was, a big-time reader. So if he can part with his books I’m sure I could part with much more. I would have a rough time giving up my piano scores, even with the magnificent infinite music library tablet I so adore. With that I would certainly not part.

But this is all hypothetical. Depends on whether he truly moves out to Montana to be with a women he connected with over the summer and whether my enthusiasm for such a move sustains itself beyond this afternoons caffeine and sugar high. The woman’s he is considering moving to is a fellow college alumni, so they have connections going way back. It sounds good for him, and her. I hope it works out, regardless of my possible interest I have in his apartment. Chicago is probably the only other U.S. city in which I would want to live.

My last photo on 500px, which I have to admit even I thought was pretty cool, went popular within minutes of posting it. This time I’ll go along with the pseudo-praise but I posted something last week that had no business reaching that admittedly meaningless “popular” plateau. But I did like that picture I got in Williamsburg the other day.

Today was spent wrangling with a photo album software for which I paid $100 last year. I guess I was not aware that it is basically a subscription product, and for there to be updates or support after 4/11 I have to cough up another $100. I hate that pricing model, even though I am a sucker for it. I would always pay a lifetime license over an annual fee.

The software really sucks on so many levels, but it’s satisfactory on others. Today, I started it up, and got a screen full of Java errors. These errors mean nothing to me. I sent the spew of errors to support, and while they did respond promptly and I appreciate that the almost instant response their instructions were to “uninstall and reinstall” which I think is a bush league solution to any software problem. Then again when a product is based on the Java platform you cannot expect elegance or stability, no matter what kind of lipstick you try to put on that pig.

Did not sleep much, but feel rested anyway. I’ve gone for 10-11 hours a night to 6 or 7, though I would be curious to find a way to tell how much I really am sleeping these nights. Probably more than I think. They do sell those sleep bands, don’t they… Hmm. The electrical shocks seemed fewer last night, but more intense at times. I think I either have been jerking around like this in my sleep all this time, and the booze has softened the impact; or else the booze drowned this behavior altogether and I was not doing it at all. I do remember it happening in high school and before I drank a lot, so I’m relying on that memory to ease any worry about nerve damage. And that MRI they needlessly did at the ER last year turned up no booze-related neurological problems.

OK, I am at the GCS early, since I was up so early. Going back home to rock this world with my HTML.