Here’s an agenda of sorts for the new Flaneur.NYC. Export all of .MOBI and selected categories from, import them all to Flaneur.NYC and run the featured image plugin to set the first image of every post as featured. That’s the beauty of the new design is its featured image thumbnail. Sounds easy but that shit’s going to take hours and will doubtless be riddled with errors and bullshit. Then I will complicate things by deciding to attempt some other technical stunt that I am not qualified to do.

Reconsidering the full-out ban on search engines, but think it’s a good gimmick, if not necessarily new.

Oh but another thing I keep forgetting is that I wanted to resurrect the .MOBI stuff from 2005 onward. I looked at the database and it seems no images made it to the exports, which I did years ago. I always had a thing for the very first posting I made there, of a car wash on 21st Street. I was getting dad’s car washed for the first time since driving it here.

At a hipster coffee shop, where an uneasy looking hipster dude is wearing a BROOKLYN shirt with an illustration of that thing on Coney Island that people used to swing from. Can’t think of its name and don’t want to look it up lest the uneasy hipster see the image of that thing on my tablet and think I am scrutinizing him, slandering him, libeling him.


The next random book for the 61/181/207 treatment was to be Gore Vidal’s Palimpsest, but the library branch was filled to capacity. The only place to sit was the TEENS section but after getting reamed by a librarian last week for sitting there I will never look at it again.

“Palimpsest” is one of my favorite words. It refers to the indentation of words and letters on a sheet of paper underneath the sheet written on. Sort of like a shadowy carbon-copy.

I opened to a random page and saw the line, something like “I prepared her caviar and vodka.” That’s a nice line. Hey, who needs to read whole books when delight can be had by simply plucking thoughts at random?

Another uneasy hipster just dropped a tall cup of ice coffee, causing no inconvenience as far as splattering other customers but drawing attention to her demonstratively self-conscious face, which was constipatedly on display moments earlier before she entered this place. Hey, that rhymes.

Think I might wait after all on the fancypants $400 noise canceling headphones. Not certain I need them more than want. But that silence is profound. I don’t know if I can handle it. Silence leaves me with nothing but the sprawl inside my head, and that gets messy. That time I wore the old Bose headphones at Calvary was probably the most profound experience I have had with deep silence. I could not even hear the sounds of my feet stepping onto leaves and branches, or kicking over the tombstones. Most powerfully absent was the din of traffic from the highways and bridge. The walk through West Maspeth was equally bizarre in its way. The cranes seemed no more or less mighty, and the graffiti no less vulgar. But they seemed so much more singular (there’s an oxymoron) without the surrounding din of noise.

Speaking of silence, or the lack of it, it is completely noisy in here. Someone turn off the noise, and turn on the silence.

OK, this is prattle. Earlier postings were not. Going to walk some more before the sun goes down.