In my enthusiasm for getting more material out of the kiosks I forgot that it is just too damn cold to be outside doing this. I gave up for the day after successfully accessing Protonmail but failing to get Wix to work. Wix has too much Javascript, I guess, for the lowly kiosk browser to handle. Was thinking of ways to access my home desktop PC via the kiosks, thinking in turn it could be possible to turn the tables and use that gateway to access the kiosks. But I don’t think that would work, and I’m not especially interested in doing it unless it would make possible remote control of the device  without actually trespassing or doing harm to the OS.

I went to a few meetings of activists who either loath these devices (as do I) or who question the integrity of the people behind them. At one of these meetings was someone who identified himself as an ethical hacker. He said that these kiosks are on a network that is fundamentally insecure, and that it had been breached repeatedly by the likes of him, meaning by those who meant no harm. I mean no harm but also have no intention of breaking in in the way he implied others had done. I will probably go to another meeting of those folks next week.

So in putting this kiosk hack together I find myself accumulating a lot of porn of the smarmiest, nastiest variety to expand on the tenet of vulgarity that I think these kiosks represent. I never exposed myself to so much scat porn as in the last few days, and trannie porn is a whole new world for me. But I will dispose of this shit when I’m done with this project, which is shaping up as something like a documentary. Going public with any of this now would almost certainly cause my access to be shut down, though there are actually two routes to pr0n that I know of.

Well, I’ll think about this later. For now I am listening back to my attempt at a podcast, to a walk-and-talk piece in which I talk about how my mother would wake up angry and I never understood why. I keep getting bogged down in technical problems with these recordings. Maybe they are not as big a deal as I think but there seems to be nothing I can do to prevent wind noise. I guess wind screens are not intended to muffle strong gusts but I can’t seem to get them to silence even a slight breeze.

OK, just went outside and tried yet another wind guard, this time on the phone itself. Sounds like it did well, though it is not much of a fashion statement. Strong gusts still make their mark but maybe I should just learn to stop talking when the winds blow hard and edit that noise out later. Yeah, these are the nuances of doing this. The sacrifices I make. I do like the sound of my delivery, absent any unease I feel in knowing that it is I saying these things. I’ve heard enough of this to regard it not as me but as a character.