The view to Calvary from the new Kosciuszko bridge… It’s to die for. Sorry, not sorry, for the triteness. This view made my eyes water, looking down on a land I love, on a yard where I spent so much time over the years, remembering so many things. It looked new to me. I mean I’ve seen this view before, having driven a car or taken a bus over the old Kosciuszko Bridge any number of times, I don’t know how many. But I’d never been able to just stop and take it all in.

As inspired as I was by this view from the first part of the new pedestrian path I felt much less love for the rest. Dust and tiny flecks of I-don’t-know-what wafted up from demolition sites and scrap metal yards, causing me to nearly choke. I can appreciate some gold old urban blight, but the ærial debris did not suit me.

Nevertheless, I feel inspired. I have a new bridge to cross.

It’s been incredible watching this bridge rise up. I remembered today how startled I was to wander into the cemetery a couple of years ago and find the old Kosciuszko being slow-mo demolished. I had to look at this colossal spectacle for several moments before realizing what I was looking at.

Apparently there is a park underneath the new bridge. I did not know to look for that today.

I also appreciate how they cleaned up Laurel Hill Boulevard, in particular the underpasses formerly filled with rodents and illegally dumped garbage. We’ll see how long that cleanup lasts.

Some of Laurel Hill is closed. On that count I lucked out. My usual path to the new bridge would have been to walk through the cemetery and get to Laurel Hill via the gate near Review Avenue. That would have ended in frustration, since access to the new Kosciuszko is, for now, not allowed via that route.

Instead I took the 43rd Street route, through Woodside. That might be my new route to Calvary, since it would allow me to cover the grounds without having to walk over them twice.

Goddamit, I might even start riding a bike, even if I don’t think I can. I should revisit the skateboard first, but getting from point A to B is starting to feel time-consuming.

It was interesting to be on a path designed with both pedestrians and bicyclists in mind. I don’t think any of NYC’s bridges could be described as such. It felt more accommodating and less dangerous than sharing a narrow path with cyclists

So many thoughts today.