I spotted this sign-bearing individual outside the Trump Tower today, scene of a rally in which a group, which included members of the Central Park Five, painted the words “BLACK LIVES MATTER” on the street. The sentiment expressed on this sign echoes mine. America feels like it can never be the same again, never again the leader of the free world, never again a beacon of hope, nor the envy of the world. The Trump Tower itself, formerly the site of a thriving shopping mall with dozens of shops, today is reduced to little more than a small food court, a bar, and an ice cream stand. Even the payphone is dead. Will this retail exodus from the tower prove to be a metaphor for Trump’s America?

America Your 15 Minutes Is Over

America Your 15 Minutes Is Over

A decent picture of the street painting seemed pretty much impossible from the street level, but here is my attempt.

Black Lives Matter at Trump Tower

Black Lives Matter at Trump Tower