It seems I’ll never actually hear this program, since it is highly unlikely recordings of it survived since 1926, whence aired the programs summarized in this advertisement, which appeared in “The Etude” magazine and in newspapers across the land.

The Etude Radio Hour would most likely interest only those with a past or present obsession with “The Etude Magazine,” that magazine from which I built one of my most ambitious web sites. I, for one, would like to hear the voice of James Francis Cooke, the magazine’s editor for many years, and a composer as well.

Preston Ware Orem, the sometimes introspective critic at the magazine, might also have a voice which opened a window into his soul.

Frederic Cardin, a noted Native-American composer often promoted by “The Etude,” would be an interesting voice to match to the music.

Who can know? This old ad I scanned years ago is among many bits of digital detritus found on my endless RAID.

Here are some other bits of textual and visual echoes from the pages of “The Etude,” in no order and for no particular reason except that I found them in an unexpected place on that big bad RAID.

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