To date, research on masturbation has been limited and only concentrated on linear processes linking masturbation with sexual satisfaction. Because there seems to be a lack of commonly shared instructions for masturbation (Kirschbaum & Peterson, 2018), it is reasonable to assume that people may rather fall into different masturbation-sexual satisfaction groupings and that there is not a linear relationship between masturbation frequency and sex life satisfaction. To close this gap, this study centered on two specific aims: (1) to explore subgroups of women and men that differ in their masturbation–sexual satisfaction profile, and (2) to assess whether sociodemographic, psychological, and sexual behavioral factors are associated with distinct masturbation–satisfaction patterns in Norwegian adults aged 18–89 years. Due to the exploratory focus of the study, no specific hypotheses are suggested.

Source: A Seemingly Paradoxical Relationship Between Masturbation Frequency and Sexual Satisfaction