However my attitudes about this job shifted I may be required to walk. The money is simply not there. It’s being chipped away, even as an annual raise is supposed to kick in starting today (I guess). But the raise is offset by retirement contributions I cannot refuse to make and higher prices on everything. I’m priced out of the supermarket, ferchrissake.
But still, I made it here, after 20 years unmoored and nearing a point of no return. I went through some dark times during those 20 years. Some good times, too. But times as well where I was basically killing myself. I remember writing about it in one of my journals-to-self: “If I die from this circumstance let it be labeled a suicide.” I was referring to the abusive relationship I was in, where I was systemically drinking myself to death, coming closer to that goal than I could have understood at the time.
Then there were the flat out plans, the planning, the dress-rehearsals, the experimentation with actually doing it as painlessly as possible, not that I have a fear of pain. My pain threshold is higher than most, as is my tolerance for abuse. I have always been prone to abusive relationships. Maybe this job is just another one of them.