I thought I’d do here what I usually do at the regular office, and go out for a half-hour constitutional. But this location is contained within a police checkpoint, and my issues with authority kicked in to where I did not want to make myself available to their scrutiny. I’m here temporarily, as is everyone else here this fine day. But there is also kind of a feeling of novelty being inside a police zone. I’m such an important person that they need to keep me safe with a police entourage.

I listened to some old recordings of my voice last night. Man, I used to sound different. Nasely, annoying, kind of helium-esque. But that was college and even then people said I had a voice for radio. I actually start to think the tapes are messed up because I dont’ remember ever sounding that way. I did listen to my mic sets and I always remember the sort of basso radio boss tone I have now. Maybe I’ll post the old recordings just for some self-humiliation.