After literally tearing apart Saturday’s pants I decided to go sartorial and replace those hated, filthy, nearly-transparent pants with credible, opaque leg and crotch and butt coverings that would not expose my sometimes flaming red underwear when bright sunlight blasted itself upon me. I was also exposed in this manner when I had a couple of teeth pulled. On the surgical chair I was laid down and the bright light turned on over my horizontal body, though my head was perched just enough to note that my pants were almost completely transparent, and the outline of my junk was unmistakable. I have nothing to hide in life but some of the people in the room seemed quite young, reminding me that when I had my one overnight hospital stay I was scolded for not closing the curtain around my bed and, inadvertantly, flashing my privates to all who passed in the hallway outside. GIven the amount of medications I was on at that time I give myself a little bit of slack for this. I was only marginally aware that this was happening but I figured it’s a hospital, these folks have seen it all, and they’ve certainly seen a lot worse spectacles than what I was unwittingly showing off. But still, I had to hide myself. Again, in my half-hearted defense, I was unaware there even was a curtain to wrap around my bed. No ohter beds in the room deployed their curtains so I simply had to know this option was there. This was my first-ever overnight hospital stay so the nuances of things were being learned as I went. I remember the nurse was particularly concerned about the “young girls” walking by. I don’t know how  young these people were but is it possible that teenage girls work as interns in hospitals? I don’t know…

I have two job interviews this week. I am skeptical of one and definitely interested in the other. The first one is a photography job that sounds more like a gig thing. It would be a lifestyle change, no doubt, in that I would have to get a car and travel to different locations every day. The pay is reasonable and all expenses are reimbursed. The other job is with The City. It has its hellishness in terms of unpredictable hours and locations. But I need something that exercises my body. This job has cost me some of what used to be my terminally good health.

Wild night in Ridgewood. Busy. That’s the word she used to describe it. I would refer to it as a workout. Wild nights ahead.