recipe blip geodesy dixie capitol enthusiast moe
fledge crucifixion
downcast cress arpeggio genera dixieland
breastwork meningitis hemorrhage aurelius
instantaneous chilblain enumerable corpulent
multitudinous seismography brocade exogamy
kosher bile
edwin bialystok indiana dicta
drink hyperbola granola afterlife deny embank
beryllium pericles sagittarius gambia
necromantic flex monty loire bubble foe
lynchburg heady exculpate
feat screechy address hereinafter
meteorite mortify briefcase chalcocite ephemeris
krause effeminate amazon clamshell

The above spew of words comes from bulk e-mail. They have no idea, but by stringing together random words like that they not only occasionally bypass filters but they genuinely engage my interest. I don’t know the products they pitch. My .procmailrc filters and mail client reject all that. But the random product, as above, is good reading.

Randomness is where coherent ideas come from. Pitch a mess of words into your skull full of mush. That sounds like a nursery rhyme.

I explained to a friend tonight that I have a fine attention span, but that as we spoke memories from the 5th grade floated through my mind alongside thoughts of what I would say next and up against what I heard on the radio last year. Everything floats in the same sink, heading down the same drain, but when?