After a spirited back and forth with Spotify customer support I have re-activated Spotify, free of Facebook. FREE OF FACEBOOK! First song I went for was Megan (Meghan?) Trainor’s “All About That Bass”. I like her “stick figure Barbie doll” comments and “boys like a little more bootie to hold at night”. When she says “make it stop” that reflects both “Cosmopolitan” magazine covers and how I feel about the apocalyptic rise of vacant ultra luxury erections like 432 Park Ave. MAKE IT STOP. I’ve paid the $9.99 for Spotify ad-free for the past months assuming I would rejoin Facebook and broadcast my “A++ Best Ever Classical Piano Music” playlist to an audience of 2. Except for publicity purposes I am not going back to Facebook. This makes me dead to certain gossip markets, and that works perfectly. Just happy to have my Spotify back.