I forget how long now, maybe it’s been 2 years since I bought a big old Jasper brand oak desk from a thrift shop. Since getting it I’ve intended to make it my everyday desk but never got around to doing that until today. There is still a way to go but it’s looking good, I guess. I cleared the top drawer of all kinds of itty bitty junk, and found another drawer filled with papers I scanned already and can throw into storage. The other drawers need purging to make themselves useful. Will get back on that when I get back from this almost empty bar. I am not drinking this week but seltzer is usually free (never know if they’ll try and stick you for $3 a fill) and the company of humans who pay me no mind is better than the company of no humans who plague my mind.  Wait, what? How can no humans plague anything? Ah whatever.

I gave up on buying a new Getaway Bag when I discovered I already had a decent and enormous bag that I got to hold a giant laptop computer. I’m going to try this bag in lieu of blowing $200 or more on a quality leather messenger briefcase. I don’t have $200 to blow on much of anything, but i might go long on an office chair.

blahblahblah, pedantic updates from a day spent stircrazy. i thought the snow was supposed be an all day thing but it’s just starting now. Barely got outside but I went out craving Milky Way bars and devouring one, saving another for tomorrow.

A text from a friend asked if I was back on Facebook. I said now, but why? (She’s the third person this week to ask.) Seems like FB “memories” which include me are showing up on people’s timelines ven though I am deactivated. Today’s memory was of me posting to this friend’s timeline “Do you cook?” She had no idea what this was about. I think she said it was over 5 years old. I reminded her that there was a bartender once, a woman with a thick Romanian accent, who asked me one night at the bar “Mark, do you do…do you do the coke?” I was taken aback. This bar had just opened and I’d checked in maybe a few times. Everyne seemed nice but it wasn’t like we were all best friends yet, like the Sunswick crowd that would gradually lose its feeling of family.

After a few moments consideration I answered her question: “I did it one time. I figured it was a life eperience I should have. Next day was the worst day of my life and I swear I’ll never do it again.”

She looked at me with bewilderment. Suddenly she realized what I had said, and I thought she had asked. She asked me if I cook. Not if I do coke. She laughed and laughed for weeks. Whenever I saw her I’d say something like “I cooked today” … until the joke got old.

The person who asked me what “Do you cook?” meant when I posted it to her FB page is the person … ah never mind… haha. Never know what political ambitions I or someone else might one day have which would be thwarted by certain admissions on a web site like this.