This is from 2011, somewhere around the old Studio Square, if I remember correctly. The camera’s GPS puts it behind Studio Square, on 37th Street between 35th and 36th Avenues, but I seem to remember it being on 36th Street, in front of the old Beer Hall. Shoes hurled onto telephone wires are kind of a cliché subject for a photo, except that you don’t usually see women’s shoes.

I found this whilst milling around one relic from one of my stagnated projects: I bought a lifetime license for a bunch of WordPress themes and embarked on the task of filling them all with content, not just to fill vessels but to become fluent in the idiosyncrasies of the themes themselves. I think I had in mind that having a stash of ready-made themes would create some kind of advantage in becoming a WordPress site builder. It never got anywhere.

That particular theme, called “13th Floor”, I found to be unattractive as hell, at least on the surface.