Irony of ironies, as I walked toward the new PCP’s office yesterday the previous PCP and I just happened to cross paths. He was walking out of a covered parking garage. Outside of his kingdom, outside of his domain he looked like any other prick. A toothpick. Within his office he carries himself with some modicum of authority. Or maybe that’s just my attitude about medical professionals. That they are in command. Wait, no. That is not my attitude about medical professionals. I have no opinions one way or the other, really, at least I don’t think I do. It was just that guy.
Long story short I went in to the new PCP feeling timi and nervous. Asking for 4x the dosage of an anxiety med seemed sensible to me, outrageous to the previous PCP. The new PCP wrote me up all that anxiety meds and a bunch of other pharms, in the end asking “What else do you want?”
We went everywhere in that hour, from my messed up mother to exactly how I most enjoy fucking a woman to high school memories to pianism to everything. It was awesome. I gotta go now.