Sexting certainly makes the morning commute flash past. I was like, Fulton Street? Already?

It’s funny because there are people I see on the morning trains, they are texting like crazy, or so it appears, and I often ask who works the phones and texts at 7 in the morning? Has everybody been sexting without me?

I don’t know why it gets me so excited right now. It will pass. I am no stranger to such things, not even close to it being new to me. But it’s exhilarating with a new and random person. She claims she wants to be peed on, which is something I did a few times with a woman last year. I was with her from (I think) February into the summer. I can speak of her now. The coast is clear. She got me to do some crazy-to-me stuff but ultimately she was cold as ice. Mechanical. Two times I made her smile. Once when peed on her. Make that 4 times I made her smile. The three times I peed on her and the one time she got me to suck on her dildo. I don’t know if I ever made a woman laugh like that, just by shoving a dildo down my face.

She was, basically, obsessed with cock. I’ve known women like this and, believe it or not, it really gets monotonous.

The hot date with the woman who looked me over like she saw straight into me turned into a total dud. Oh well. I am not ageist but women of an age that they could be my daughter (gasp) look less and less possible to me, even after the string of 20-somethings chasing after me for those few years.