First full crossing, yesterday, of the Ed Koch/Queensboro Bridge in about a month. It felt good. I got the sunlight I’ve been craving, and slept well. I was happy to see that a complaint I filed was addressed. One of the signs next to the emergency telephones is supposed to say something like “HAVING TROUBLE COPING?” Then there is copy saying to use the emergency phone or call a toll-free number. But all of this copy was obliterated by graffiti. Until now. I submitted a complaint and DOT responded. The sign is now good as new, but likely awaiting future obliteration by spraypaint.
Met up with an old friend, a long-ago ex-gf who is married now with child and house and all that normal stuff. We talk like we are related. Everything is easy, and anything goes. She sometimes shows signs of disruption, signs of being disturbed and dark. But so do I.
I gave her a partial tour of the payphones at Grand Central Terminal. It was fun but I don’t think she was in the right mood for it. Or maybe I expected too much. She lives in Poughkeepsie now but comes to New York for medical attention. The doctors there are not adequate, apparently. It’s a 2-hour trek from Poughkeepsie, which probably explains why, depite i being highly recommended, I never made it up there when I was doing day trips up the Metro North. I think I made it to Mamaroneck and one other destination in my brief Metro North phase. I made many more trips to NJ towns, searching for payphones. She was asking if I travel much and that was about all I could come up with. I’d like to visit Tokyo to see if relocating and living there would even be possible for me. I don’t think it is. I am too lazy to move across the world like that.

The first image is the sign that I got fixed. The others reflect the consition the first one used to be in. I’ll report the second one but probably not the others. I have strong feelings about suicide prevention and accessibility to resources like this, even when I know as well as anybody that these resources are purely symbolic in most cases. But if you are going to have them they should be clear and available.
I’d like to leave this job. I am free to do so. I wait for one more thing, possibly, related to health coverage. I need a refill of the panic pills. Assuming those come through this week I would be left with approximately a 6-month supply. I could coast on that until finding another job or some form of insurance. I’d also like to see a dermatologist before quitting and losing insurance. Maybe I should just adapt the fly by the seat of your pants mentality. Just book a flight to Tokyo and GO.