And I’m already nervous. Usually I get here before 8am but subways were twisted asunder today with the MTA app providing meaningless information and in-station signs and announcements making no sense, seemingly on autopilot. Definitely popping another panic pill when I get back from here, my favorite place at this job. The Saturday morning solitary use of the big break room. Now I have to figure out a strategy to get to Ridgewood tonight, with the L being partly suspended. I have time for this, and other things, because staffing today is psychotic. I’ve been sleeping well since the new a/c arrived but a muscle twitch over my left eyelid is enough to make me crazay. I want to write a text splat today, a stack of words that goes somewhere but amounts to nothing, nowhere. I am nervous and anxious enough that this will probably happen automagically. My GF and I have plans for tonight, oh do we ever. I just have to get there. I switched bags again, after concluding that the old Jack Spade bag is just too mangy, and irreconcilably so. Filthy to its fabric. I summoned an old laptop bag which has tales to tell with the papery shit stuffed in there from years ago.