Something no other woman has ever said to me was spoken yesterday. As she stroked and held me she said “I am not one to admire, but that is handsome.” She later added that “Back in the day,” referring to when we dated decades ago, she remembered thinking it was “pretty.” She also added that more often than not she is more inclined to look away from a man’s junk, if she ever even looks at it at all.

It was a nice sentiment. I commented that decades ago there is no way she would have made such a comment, that it was “pretty,” and she concurred. She was not much for compliments “back in the day.”

I have a foggy memory, perhaps fogged by the anxieties of the moment, when a woman dropped my pants for the first and whispered “beautiful.” She looked up at me and smiled before taking it into her mouth like she was starved for it. Did she mean my cock was beautiful, or that the moment of getting it out of my pants for the first time was beautiful? I’ll never know because she is married with many kids now. But does she remember me as “beautiful” in that way? Does she turn away from or barely make eye contact with her husband’s junk?

As the cock is stroked…

She takes pictures of me sleeping. I find the photos kind of crude but she says they are adorable. She likes my mere presence, it seems.

Per my request, to which she readily agreed, she undressed me upon my arrival yesterday. Every button was undone, the belt carefully undone and the zipper, too. I had to remove my shoes and socks but everything she did caused a pretty obvious boner to bulge from the underpants. As is typical for her, she perked up and made an “Oooooh!” type of sound at the sight of my cock. She likes looking at it and now I know why. She thinks it is beautiful.