I managed to get Stable Diffusion running on my home PC. It was not stupidly difficult but I did go through some annoyances. It seems only one particular version of Python will work with SD. I had a newer version of Python installed and made a rookie mistake of assuming that later versions of Python would be OK.

Whatever the case, the shit coming out of this at-home version is crazy weird. I’m trying to depict an elderly man, naked, shackled to his bed in a prison cell overlooking Times Square. Why? It is a metaphor for how my life in New York has felt at times, living under the poverty line and only able to watch the world around me through social media fabrications. It sounded like a suitably depressing scene that does not exist anywhere else, except for the versions I made with commercial AI image makers. But those fail to get the grit and dismalness I’m after.

I installed SD at home with the notion that I could generate stuff without the censorship of Bing or the others. So far that’s more or less true, but depending which profile I use results can be really twisted. Why do so many of these naked men have vaginas? Why does one of them have 2 penises?

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