Moving domains from overpriced godaddy to namecheap has taken months, and remains in progress. I have too many domain names. For some reason I’ve lately fielded inquiries about being for sale. It is not for sale and I doubt it ever will be. I am willing to part with given the right offer. But the people (or whatever they are) who inquired about never responded to my suggestion that they might want

Why any person or entity would want sorabji.anything is only mildly intriguing. I use it as a login and named the site after a sorta-kinda-hero from my conservatory years, Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. For most of the first 10-15 years I was online I don’t remember ever encountering the name used by anyone else. It’s long been a sore point among the Sorabji congnescenti that I have the domain name and have virtually zero content related to the composer.

What I had nothing to worry about, it seems, was transferring the domain and retaining all the DNS settings from the previous registrar. That seems to have happened automagically, even the TXT records got inhaled. DNS has always been an Achilles for me, but like so many things, it’s gotten easier to deal with.

I might switch DNS again, though, to cloudflare. They claim to have a free tier that will block AI searchies from gobbling up your content and making trillions of dollars off it while giving you nothing in return. It seems Judith Griggs was right. Everything on the internet is public domain after all.