I gave Blank Street Coffee a try. I won’t return. The place lived up to its name in many ways. Most irritatingly to me was the store’s refusal to issue a paper receipt. That is actually legal for purchases under $5 (which mine was), but for anything between $5 and $20 a receipt must be issued upon customer request. I do not intend to return and make a $5+ purchase simply to create the confrontation, but the shop has set itself up for needless headaches by appearing unable to print physical receipts at all. The only receipts offered are by email or text. I, of course, am the Receipts King of the Internet, although my activity in that realm has slowed on account of time constraints. I do continue to accumulate most of my receipts for an eventual resumption of that project. That’s right, I have big plans, baby, big plans.

The needless headaches that coffee shop sets up for itself is when cranky fucks like me come in and demand a receipt and then, upon being smugly told all options are digital, I file a complaint with the Department of Consumer Worker and Protection, just to spite the place. I wouldn’t do that but someone will if it hasn’t happened already.

The final reason Blank Street will be blank for me is the coffee itself. It was like dirty dishwater. Not a good product, or a good experience. They also double-cupped, which is wasteful, but maybe that was just a contingency for having run out of java jackets, or whatever they’re called.