I am finding that I am tougher thanI used to be. Things passing me by these days would have brought me to tears years ago. Thesse days not so much. I am not usually afraid to show emotion amongst proper, trusted company. Though it depends on the type of emotion. Anger almost never surfaces. It is like a foreign language to me. By anger I mean screaming at another human being (as opposed to a computer or piano) over a disagreement, or a perceived slight. I can raise my voice but there is a difference between being strident and being angry. But I am tougher now than I used to be. This is certain.

I was sitting at a bar the other night, reading Playboy Magazine. They don’t have naked women in that magazine any more. Otherwise I don’t think it would be on my family-friendly magazine app. An interview with Michael Hayden was hilarious. I take it they are trying to be more like GQ now. When I heard that they had dropped the nude pics from Playboy I thought “What decade is this?” How did they not make that decision years and years ago? I am surprised Sports Illustrate still does that horrible Swimsuit Edition.

At the ghetto coffee shop where some people are absolutely screaming at each other.

It is the next day. back at the ghetto coffee shop. Funny thing, which is not so funny: I got into a staredown with another member of the plague of asshole delivery guys who ride their e-bikes and motorcycles wherever the fuck they please. I did not realize until he tore off (going the wrong way up a one-way street) that it was one of the guys who works here and who I see almost every day. Maybe I’ll boycot this palce now.

I have been having exceedingly productive days of late. There is a spring in my step. The documentary film person from Tuesday texted today to ask if she could list me as her “Advisor” on this project. She is filling out a grant application and needs all the corroborating support she can get, I guess. I said sure, just don’t call me “payphonista”. I used that word as a joke with Ugo and he has run with it ever since. I also suggestd that if she wants to capture the rugged, monochrome sound of the landline phone call then I am happy to take the call if she wants to record the conversation, or whatever. She responded positively but it would be a ways off before we actually do anything. Now that I think of it the film could be called “Three Minutes” as it would revolve around her or others making local calls from payphones, which allow 3 minutes of call time for a quarter.

Wow, this coffee is horrible today.