Thinking it might possibly be useful to somebody somewhere, and because I wanted to put my newish scanner to a test, I scanned my College Course Catalog for academic year 1987-88. This was a destructive scan, in which I sliced the spine of the book with a straight edge razor and fed the loose pages into a ScanSnap si300i ADF device. With 282 pages (including covers) you’d think this was a tedious timesuck but I think the whole job was done in less than 20 minutes, although I did have to go back an re-scan a few pages that got skewed. I did not put a stopwatch to it but it took longer to convert the scans to PDF and other formats than it took to scan the pages. I did not and do not intend to do any proofreading or corrections. I used ABBYY FineReader 11 Professional Edition to export the scans to PDF, Microsoft Word, .FB2, .EPUB, and HTML.

Oberlin College Course Catalog 1987-88