A picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her. This is from soon after she moved into a new place and had a housewarming party. The Rubik’s cube is the gift I got her son for Christmas the previous year.

A picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her
I had a palpably unhealthy infatuation with this woman but, as I told her mother later, so did all the boys. She liked me too, though probably not as much. Things happened but never went too far. I backed off on account of what I guess you’d call lifestyle differences and unmatched expectations. She died in August, 2015.
Evidence of her interest in me is seen in the second picture. She had covered one of the walls in her new apartment with 20 of my photos. She grabbed them from my web site, printed them, and framed them herself. I did not expect a wall covered with my photos when I arrived this day. Friends joked to me about stalker nonse and made slasher sounds. It felt a little weird but it’s not as if she had 20 framed pictures of me on her walls. These photos are all from my erstwhile Big Pictures series, which ended in 2010.

A picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her