It hasn’t been that long. Exactly 6 months. SInce I started this job. It was a huge adjustment,, no doubt, one made moreso by my hyperactive anxieties and overactive mind. 

Settling in to a 60-hour a week commitment was not a problem. Getting to work, being here, to the exclusion of almost anywhere else, playing by the rules… It’s all been good. I wanted this to be a 6-month gig but I’d have no objections to it going beyond that span. I am worth more than this job pays but who isn’t worth more than their job pays?

THis is no job for the antiwork crowd. You have to show up, for one thing. This is “essential” what we do here, and as far as I know there was never a work from home option. My demonstration of discipline and good attitude should carry me over into other departments. Should put me in good steed.

Or maybe I’ll just walk, take the rest of the year off. I don’t know.