My morning routine had come to settle on 16 ounces of strawberries and a single banana. I neglected the banana, thinking it might go bad overnight or over 2 days. Here I am bananaless. Sans banana. I am in a state of NON-BANANA. NB.

I start a new role here today. I should be nervous but the 1-1/2 mg of Ativan and the trusty BP meds seem to have me feeling fine, and functional. WHen I think of past times, when I was afraid to take the pills or when I had a doctor unwilling to prescribe them, I could be utterly useless at times like this. I blacked out huge portions of the first month here, which was training. I black out whole days sometimes. But during these blackouts I seem fully functional and articulate. I’ve seen it happen with alcoholics, or at least people who drink a whole hell of a lot. They can be articulate and coherent and by all appearances intelligent but in the morning they will not remember the conversation at all. I’ve been that kind of drunk but that’s a long time ago now.

You know what else? These strawberries are good. Exceptionally so. Only $1 for the 16oz container. Only issue I have is when I purchase these magnificent creations the dude behind the counter has an outsized interest in me, or so it seems. Always asking questions about my work schedule, where I work, what I do. Then he asks if I know CAVA, or maybe it is CAVO. I think I know of the place but never been in. Same conversation every time.

Read an article about dangerous situations or places people take for granted. One medic said she could not remember a day without the arrival of a perfectly ambulatory person suddenly paralyzed or permanently injured after falling off a ladder. Beware of ladders, was the medic’s advice. Another person called out the shower as a dangerous place, and I would heartily concur. I feel much safer in the shower since I started sitting, That’s been a number of years now but I think about how much better an experience it is versus standing every single time I sit down. Of course I have to stand up to exit, which is probably the riskiest part of the arrangement.

I left the 5 boroughs of New York City for the first time in probably two years yesterday. I did not go far. I crossed over into New Hyde Park, which is Nassau County. I had a lead, via Cyclomedia, that a payphone carcass was still standing in a parking lot for a lube place. The phone (empty clamshell) was present but obscured behind a sign, which had not been present in the Cyclomedia imagery. From the lube place I went up to the Lake Success shopping center, or strip mall. Nothing too impressive about it but who has high expectations for such a place? I got an overpriced burger at the Shake Shack. On the way back there was an abandoned bowling alley called STRIKE, with some interesting architectural flourishes. The Lake Suvvess Medical Center was closed. Seemed like a lot of shops and services were closed.

I got there via Q46, which I realized later I’ve used a lot more often than I thought. It’s an easy transfer from the E or F express at Kew Gardens/Union Turnpike. It is a rather lengthy ride, though, from Kew Gardens to 271st Street. I walked a good portion of the way back, almost as far as Cross Bay Boulevard, where I thought I might catch a Q53 (I think?) to Woodside. Alas, a transfer to anything on Cross Bay from Union Turnpike looked impossible.

On Union Turnpike I spotted numerous houses with picket fences and yards. That’s something a lot of people assume does not exist in New York City. I also encountered a POLLINATOR GARDEN, which was supposed to breed impressive Monarch butterflies. I didn’t see any Monarchs but I’m sure they are abundant.

It was a long trip for little notable return. I should plan these things more thoroughly. Or maybe I should not. Just let things happen.

I have to fet to my new role here. SHould be fun. Hope I don’t fail miserably.